Are you looking for appropriate chores by age for your kids? Do you want to raise children to be responsible? For either reason, you have come to the right place.
As a mom of two, I can confidently tell you how important it is to give your kids around-the-house chores to do. They teach them independence, responsibility, teamwork, and much more. Your kids may not like them or aren`t in the mood often – as we are not always, but it is necessary. Keep in mind that your children need to be motivated to complete their obligations, and who says chores can`t be fun?
Why are Chores in The House Important for Kids
- It teaches them responsibility. Being responsible makes them feel grown-up, so useful, and important. All together brings joy into kids’ minds.
- It prepares them for the future and how life will be when they grow up. They will learn how to raise up their kids one day and the importance of a family doing things together, whether it`s something entertaining or sometimes a bit boring… Either way, they need to be done.
- Sharing chores with parents creates a better home environment by reducing the number of obligations for mom and dad. By that, there will be more time for cuddling, playing, and things kids will enjoy.
- It teaches them equality and how everyone needs to contribute to family life – the male and the female, the kids and the grown-ups.
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Things to Consider Before Giving Around the House Chores
You need to keep in mind not all chores in the house are suitable for young children. Each range of age has certain abilities. For example, you can`t ask a three-year-old to mow the lawn. No.1 it is dangerous to do alone, and no.2 he won’t be able to do it physically.
As a mom, you probably do most of the chores daily. You need to learn to let go and let others help you. Teach the kids to help you and make them feel proud of themselves. When doing the chores by yourself you are doing kids more harm than good. They will never see how hard you work when they don’t do anything but sit around. Ask for a reasonable amount of help, and you can even ask for more when not feeling all yourself going through monthly female problems.
Doing the Chores Can Be Fun. Here`s How:
- Children love to compete. Divide the chores among your children and tell them the winner gets a treat. Remind them that it`s not all about time and who will be faster, but also whose work was properly done. I am sure this will not only make them work faster and more efficiently, but they will also have fun doing so. They may even look forward to it the next day. Keep in mind not to always offer a reward. You just need to be wise and estimate what chores need a bit of a nudge. Make some balance. Make it mostly about spending time together and helping each other out.
- Play Some Music. Have you ever played music while cleaning up the house? If you did, then you know music gives us more energy and enthusiasm and gets us in the mood. Play some music your kids love, it will help them keep the environment fun and exciting. Sing with them and make them laugh and take the focus off doing the chores.
- Rotate the Chores Daily. Mix it up regularly or they will definitely be fed up soon. Make a list of chores and divide them among kids. Make sure to combine the hard ones with the easy ones. When kids can`t finish their tasks, they soon give up or even get angry. We don`t want that, do we? You know your kids the best, and their abilities, so go with your hunch.
- Give Incentives & Be Creative. Rotating and treats are not the only ones that need to be mixed up. Try to provide some other reward system. I promise them a game of dares for kids after doing the chores. Be creative and open to their suggestions too. Keep in mind that a promise that was made must be fulfilled. If you are not in the mood for a game that day, don’t even offer it. Every once in a while give them an extra ten minutes of screen time or a trip to their favorite ice cream store on the weekend. It can be anything they will appreciate.
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Appropriate Chores By Age
Toddlers age 2 – 3
- 5 minutes a day
- Help mom with the laundry
- Put away their toys
- Wipe down surfaces
- Store their books on shelves
- Wipe low and no risky windows or mirrors
- Put the jacket and shoes in their place when coming home
Age 4 – 5
- 10 minutes a day
- everything the younger group can
- when throwing the trash think of recycling
- Sweep the floor
- Help to make the bed
- Clean the table
- Water flowers
- Vacuum with some assistance
- Help to carry some unheavy groceries
- Clean up their room
- Put away clean dishes
- Match the socks
Age 6 – 10
- 10 – 20 minutes a day
- Everything a younger group can
- Fold the laundry
- Simple assistance in the kitchen – wash the vegetables, prepare the table, take everything off the table when you are done, find ingredients, knead the dough…
- Clean their room with some assistance
- Vacuum
- Sweep
- Wet mop
- Put away their own laundry
Chores For a Teenager (10 or older):
- 20 – 30 minutes a day – maybe a bit longer on the weekends
- Everything a younger group can
- Mow the lawn
- Wash the dishes
- Do the laundry
- Take out the trash
- Clean the bathroom
- Tidy their own room
- Take care of a pet
- Babysit siblings while parents have important work at home
- Help with some deeper kitchen cleaning

You must create daytime and nighttime schedules for your children especially when they are young. Children need sleep schedules for health, chores for responsibilities, and parents for love.
Love your children, and enjoy the moments you spend with them.
Here is another interesting blog on kids’ chores and how important it is.
About The Author
Halimeh Salem is an English teacher, a freelance writer, and a mother of two beautiful children. Basem who’s a 2-year-old, and Sama who’s an 8-month-old. They are from California. To pursue her dreams of helping mothers overcome the obstacles of motherhood, she founded her blog, Crying Toddlers. She loves spending her free time playing with her children and helping others.